Running has really got a lot of fans, and this dancer is one of them. I am truly stoked about running. It's pretty much one of the best things to do with your body ever...after dancing.

For those of you who say to yourself, "I can't run" let me just stop you right there.
I used to say that. I told myself I couldn't run because doctors told me I couldn't run. Do you know how many times doctors are wrong? I mean, they know a lot about the human body, but they happen to ALSO be human. So that means they can be wrong, and man, were they ever wrong.

I have arthritis. I have mild asthma. I am a dancer sure, but my cardiovascular health was never a top priority because I thought dance was all I needed. WRONG. All of it is wrong.

If I don't dance and run, my knees ache. How's that for all the advice of doctors telling me to rest, maybe try cortisone shots, and while we are at it, manually drain the fluid with a needle...

No one ever ever ever advised me to run. Rest, they said, your knees are over used.

Now I believe that my knees were not used enough. They were quite literally aching to be used.

Relief from pain is not all running provides. Additionally, I happen to be happier ALL THE TIME. Which is fantastic! My cravings for food are less intense, and my appetite doesn't fluxuate as frequently. My body and mind feel nothing short of awesome when I run.

You are not me. Perhaps your arthritis is different than mine, perhaps your asthma more severe. All I encourage you to do is to believe you can do SOMETHING that will make you feel even more awesome than you already are.

I leave you with a very happy photo taken after a night of dancing but lead me to a morning of running (for 45 minutes!)
Getting down to get up. Team disco.