This is a word I have come to think about quite a bit in my life. Routine. Other than in dance, my life has been pretty void of consistant practice of routines. 

Of course in class-there is much routine-warm up, center floor work, locomotive work, phrase work (once referred to as routine when I was a child taking classes) and cool down is left to the dancer. 
So while that is a basic structure of a class (there are MANY other formats for sure)-that has been the most consistant routine in my entire life. I don't even celebrate the same holidays every year. I like to change it up, apparently.

Until I moved to NYC, I even moved around Rochester about every six months. There was no establishing routines in a new place because I was always moving. I think I kept one or two apartments for two years-but I mostly just shuffled about. This lack of routine has been something very apparent to me, something I crave to bits. I crave it like I crave chocolate (or ballet class. I really miss practicing consistant ballet!)

SO-I have begun some new routines. Some of it involves how I wake up, how I eat, but I am searching for routines in how I work, be that making dance work or making life work. 

I suppose that my lack of routine could be synonymous with my lack of need for routine. Although I want it, my life has functioned without the definition of applied routine. I have felt want for, yet have not taken that want a step farther into a need of routine. Is this luxury? To be able to choose what I need? I believe it is a form of my privilege that I am able to choose what I deem 'necessary routine'. For others, this is conscripted inside religion, gender expression, or laws of their countries. 

Upon searching Routine in art-I found Mary Coble  , a Denmark based feminist performance artist. 

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